Overcoming the selfish stigma around self-care
Have you been feeling under pressure (personally or professionally), got big life changes looming or a sense of overwhelming responsibilities that are keeping you awake at night? Or maybe a lack of control over your everyday making it feel impossible to manage?
Stress can manifest itself differently in different people, affecting feelings, behaviours and our physical selves:
Irritable, aggressive, impatient or agitated by things which wouldn’t usually bother you ~ Anxiety, nervousness and fear ~ Inability to enjoy yourself or switch off ~ Difficult to make decisions and a lack of concentration ~ Disrupted sleep or eating patterns ~ Increased consumption of alcohol or cigarettes ~ Avoidance of people and/or situations ~ Panic attacks ~ Headaches ~ Constant sense of dread?
Maybe it's time to prioritise your needs and be the best version of yourself that you can, for your family, friends, career and community!
Everyone will have a different idea as to what self-care looks like and how much is required; there is no right or wrong way or quantity, but it’s not very caring towards yourself if you’re forcing yourself to do something that you don’t enjoy. Self-care should satisfy your needs and no-one else’s.
We all know that we should be taking better care of ourselves, dedicating more time to our own needs and nurturing our health and wellbeing, but sometimes self-care can feel selfish; this course will help you explore what self-care means for you, learning to set effective boundaries and protect your wellbeing space.
Remember that you’re worth it. Full stop.
How do I know if this course for me?
Let me ask you a few questions…
- Do you want to develop yourself and expand your knowledge?
- Are you ambitious and determined?
- Are you frustrated about something in your life?
- Do you have areas that you want or need to work on (fears, doubts, procrastination, overwhelm, stuck in a rut, struggling to compete)?
- Would you love to be part of a community of like-minded individuals all learning the same new skills?
What will I get?
New skills, a community to interact with who are on the same journey and GREAT FUN learning about something worthwhile:
- 6 modules, made up of several lessons to take your through the process in phases.
- Downloadable workbooks, videos, audio files, links and quizzes to ensure the information is accessible and interactive.
- Lifetime access to the course.
- Invitation to a private facebook group where you can share your learning, thoughts, questions and bounce ideas with other course participants.
- Q&A with the course creator to ask questions, seek clarification or request accountability.
Course Structure
To ensure that the content of the courses is as current and relevant as it can be, this is just an overview of the course curriculum.
Each of InTah's courses has six modules, taking you on a journey with other like-minded individuals in an exciting and interactive way.
We are constantly discovering more about ourselves, but there’s always room for improvement...